Another blog...

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has set up their own official blog in an effort to control the dissemination of information, here.

You may notice some similarities to this site :). I hope that this is a step towards them becoming more transparent and informing the public of their works and that they report the unvarnished truth. I see no point in attempting to rival them.
- Michael

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

THE Fishing Competition

On Labour Weekend along with the Arts and Crafts there will be a revival of the Rakino Fishing Competition!

Catch your fish on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Labour Weekend
You must catch your fish within 200m of Rakino Island for them to qualify

Only Rakino Ratepayers Association Members can weigh in for the prize
No Pay, No Weigh
You can pay your $20 at the weigh in

The weighmaster is Lez, he will weigh the fish at 6pm Saturday and Sunday at his or Mike Orton's place. The final weigh in is at 2:30pm on Monday at the wharf, where a sausage sizzle will accompany the presentation of the prize!

Good Luck

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