Another blog...

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has set up their own official blog in an effort to control the dissemination of information, here.

You may notice some similarities to this site :). I hope that this is a step towards them becoming more transparent and informing the public of their works and that they report the unvarnished truth. I see no point in attempting to rival them.
- Michael

Monday, April 21, 2008

ANZAC weekend

Les will be holding the ANNUAL FISHING COMPETITION for the kids on ANZAC weekend. SATURDAY (not Sunday as previously stated) morning at 9am – meet Les at the wharf…

There is a General Meeting this Saturday afternoon 26th April at 4 pm in the Community hall with a BBQ to follow. We will supply steak /sausages & wine and a warm welcome - bring a salad to go with it…
A great opportunity to meet and discuss the items that affect our community and to catch up with old (and new) friends afterwards. AGENDA attached.
Come along and contribute to the discussion and why not think about joining the Committee to help take care of the Island we all love.

Rakino Ratepayers Association

Sunday, April 06, 2008


It is reported that, "Sealink Barge, Sealink have a barge timetabled for Rakino on the 10th April, leaving half moon bay at 9:30am abd departing Rakino at 12:30. Contact Sealink for more details/bookings"

Rats or no rats?

The rat that was reportedly sighted on Rakino on 11 March has not been located. Neither has any independent evidence of its presence.

The weekend following the sighting saw a large operation swing into action which included several hundred traps, a number of monitoring tunnels and a certified rodent detection dog searching the island for two days. Another certified dog was on the island for two days following Easter. Neither of these dogs indicated a rodent. Likewise, no tracks, or other indications of rodent presence have emerged.

This does not necessarily mean the original sighting was wrong. There may still be a rat on the island. The Department of Conservation has now removed most of their traps and left the island after two weeks of trapping and searching.

The existing network of bait stations and tracking cards will hopefully be renewed next weekend.

Please remain vigilant and report anything you think may be of interest.

This operation was led on the ground by the Department of Conservation and supported financially by the Auckland Regional Council. The cost is likely to have exceeded $10,000. From the first indication that there was a rat on Rakino both agencies immediately and unconditionally threw there support behind us. This was extremely reassuring, and came at what was probably the most difficult time of the year with over 1000 people on Rakino for the Jazz festival and high numbers in general over the long weekend.

As a community our gratitude should be extended to DOC and the ARC who have responded to this crisis [whether it be real or imagined].

Please feel free to contact the following key people, and show them as a community we are very grateful for their support:

Jack Craw Biosecurity Manager ARC

Phil Brown DOC – Incident Controller

Ditch Keeling DOC – Operation Manager

Cheers John

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Thanks to all our RAKINO ARTISTS

Many thanks to all you wonderful people who helped to make this year's Art Exhibition such a roaring success -the standard was high --very high -how we will better it will be difficult --- but we will .

We had 100 entries from 16 Artists and sold a total of $4400 art work -- a great effort from Artists helpers and buyers ---not forgetting the Rakino Rate Payers Ass who backed us up all the way.

Many thanks everyone ----- see you all next year…

Albie McCabe.