Another blog...

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has set up their own official blog in an effort to control the dissemination of information, here.

You may notice some similarities to this site :). I hope that this is a step towards them becoming more transparent and informing the public of their works and that they report the unvarnished truth. I see no point in attempting to rival them.
- Michael

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The rat that had been sighted on Rakino Island on 11 March has not yet been located.

The Department of Conservation, supported by the Auckland Regional Council, has led a response to this sighting which has seen a significant operation put in place in an attempt to locate and trap the rat. DOC has had three staff on the island since Friday 14 March. They will continue to have a number of staff on the Island in the coming week/s. There have been 250 traps set in the general area of Sandy Bay, Home Bay, South Pacific Road (South end) and Golden Heights bush escarpment. These traps are identified by a red “corflute” cover. The trap is located under this and pegged to the ground with wire. They are baited with a non toxic formula. No poison has been distributed around the Island.

A large number of these traps have been set on private property in the area mentioned above. They are not hidden and if there is one on your property it will be obvious. Unfortunately given the urgency of the situation it has not been possible to consult with all persons affected. If you have any issues in relation to the traps please see me, I will be on the island from Thursday night. These traps will be checked daily by myself.

Please do not tamper with any traps you see around the Island, it is important pressure is maintained on this rat. If you see anyone tampering with any traps please mention to them how important it is that they are left untouched. PLEASE TREAT ALL TRAPS AS SET AND DISCUSS WITH YOUR CHILDREN WHAT THEY ARE AND WHY THEY ARE THERE. Please keep pets under control near the traps.

The traps in the immediate area of the jazz festival will be deactivated on Saturday morning and reset on Saturday night, once again please treat all traps as set.

Please try not to leave alternative food sources for the rat in an accessible location.

I will be asking fullers to alert passengers on the ferry on Saturday to the situation upon leaving Auckland and again just prior to arrival at Rakino. Please discuss this email with your neighbours in case they have not seen it.

Capturing this rat is an expensive and difficult exercise, and we are very fortunate to have DOC and the ARC right behind us on this.

Any issues or questions please call in on the island (bach with flagpole on Woody Bay Rd) or catch me as I am going around the island checking the traps.

Many thanks

John MacKenzie

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jazz and Art Picnic 2008

Jazz and Art Picnic 2008, please click on this link to view more details including ferry times.

For those of you who will be exhibiting in the art side of the festival:

Calling all Rakino Artists,
Easter Art Show - don't forget closing time for your entries 10am Good Friday morning. We will be in the wharf Hall from 9am onwards. Entry numbers are looking good so don't be late otherwise you will have to hang them on a tree somewhere yourself.
Albie McCabe

See you at Easter
Rakino Ratepayers

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Rat on Rakino

On 11 March a rat was sighted at Sandy Bay. A joint response will be commencing on 14 March in order to trap this rat. Please be aware that there will be rat poison and traps around the island. Further signage will be erected over the next few days. This response is going to require a significant effort, and assistance is requested from the Rakino community. If you are able to help, please meet at the hall on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March (or either day) at 9.00am.

The community will be assisted by the Department of Conservation and the Auckland Regional Council.

We have all enjoyed rat free status for the last 6 years. We need to act quickly to preserve the way of life we have enjoyed for those 6 years.

If you need to contact me please phone Anne 372 6087. I will be on the Island from Friday 14 through to Monday 17, otherwise my e-mail address is

See you there,

John MacKenzie