Another blog...

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has set up their own official blog in an effort to control the dissemination of information, here.

You may notice some similarities to this site :). I hope that this is a step towards them becoming more transparent and informing the public of their works and that they report the unvarnished truth. I see no point in attempting to rival them.
- Michael

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Years Eve Races

"This is the 25th annual
round-the-island run,
for adults and children.

There are trophies for:
the first girl home,
the first boy home,
the first woman home,
the first man home and
the first veteran home.

Every entrant in time to
register receives a
certificate that records
their achievement.

Just turn up at Sandy Bay
in time to enrol before
the 9.30 am start on 31
December and be prepared
to run to Woody Bay and
back (estimated time
15 - 40 minutes).

Race is followed by games
for parents and children
including legendary

Courtesy of the Rakino News
PO Box 5297
Wellesley Street

New Years Eve Disco

There will be a BBQ at the hall from approx 7 pm on new years eve.
Come along with everything (family, food and drink) and enjoy your evening.
We would like all cars to park back from the wharf, even better walk!
Merry Christmas everyone.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

District Plan

There is currently a proposal to alter the District Plan. Click here to view the proposal.

As far as I can tell the subdivisions will have to be of a minimum 3 hectares and will require 80% re-vegetation and follow a multitude of other rules. Please do go over it and find out any hidden nastinesses! Submissions are to be in by early December - 11th?


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fishing Competition

The winner of the reinstated Rakino Fishing Competition was Mike Orton. He caught the largest snapper (a mere 1.8kg) in the 2006 Labour weekend competition.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rakino News

The illustrated Rakino News is published 10 times a year. Subscription is $30 for 10 issues, including postage within New Zealand. Delivery on the island is by arrangement.

Send subscription payments, contributions and advertising inquiries to:
Rakino News
PO Box 5297
Wellesley Street

Copy deadline is 12th of month preceding publication.
Publishing editor: Colin Maclaren

Labels & Searching

The searching is now much better. Type what you like into the wee bar at the top left of this page and hit enter. All the posts which contain the keywords appear.

A new feature is LABELS. When a new post is created I can assign different labels to it. These are listed on the left of the page. If you click on one of them it takes you to all the posts with that label. (The old posts don't have labels.)

Remember about the rss feed which you can subscribe to. Click here or at the link at the bottom of each page.

Finally put a few comments in relating to the articles.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New look

I am in the middle of updating the blog. It should have a few more features.
Suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome -

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Labour Weekend

The Annual General Meeting of the Rakino Ratepayers Association will be held on Sunday 22nd October 2006 (Labour Weekend) at 2:00pm in the hall on Rakino Island. All are welcome!!

Click the below links for more information:
Fishing Competition
Arts and Crafts


Saturday, October 14, 2006


I removed the tagging-board seeing as how it was causing some problems - might try again at a later date. :(

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Anyone can comment! No logging in or passwords are required. Just click on the link with the speech bubble and the number of comments just below the desired article. You can comment anonymously or with your name.
Don't be shy, try using the tagging board to the side of the page also.
Inappropriate comments may by censored.


Michael Carson

Monday, October 09, 2006


I would just like to clarify the issue that the Rakino Ratepayers Association is not against the support of native birds. They are all for the planting of native bush and the removal of weeds and other such measures of encouraging and nurturing bird life. The one thing however that it is not supporting is the banning of cats. This has been decided by a democratic vote. The banning of cats is something that DOC and Forest and Bird have not even contemplated.


Michael Carson

Sunday, September 10, 2006


The Annual General Meeting of the Rakino Ratepayers Association will be held on Sunday 22nd October 2006 (Labour Weekend) at 2:00pm in the hall on Rakino Island. All Welcome!!

Rakino Ratepayers Association
Nomination Form

I nominate ________________________________ for the position of
(Committee member / secretary / treasurer / chairperson)

Signature _____________________________

Name _________________________________ (please print)

Seconded by _______________________________

Name _________________________________ (please print)

Nominations close Friday 06 October 2006.
Post to RRPA, PO Box 106-703, Commerce Street, Auckland

Here is a printable version of this nomination form.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Time again to think about organising another fabulous event on Rakino on LABOUR WEEKEND SUNDAY 22 OCTOBER 2006!!

Fill in the winter months with art & craft and bring them along to sell, the time will fly by until the next long weekend which heralds the start of summer.

Hand knitted garments

Let the imagination run riot!!


Gillian Donnelly
09 428 3235

Remember to bring cash or worst case cheques! There will be no Eftpos!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Cat survey

The RRPA cat survey has reached its conclusion. The results are as follows:

53.8% wish to save the cats and disagree with John Mackenzie's proposal to ban cats.
34.6% agree with John's proposal to ban cats.
11.6% are neutral.

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has to go with the majority and will not support John Mackenzie and his cat ban.

Michael Carson

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Anyone who wants to consider taking collective action against our outrageous rates increase considering we have NO public transport, NO services, a shoddy road and NO fire brigade etc. etc. etc.

Please contact Blackadder and I to form a cunning plan.

Simon Mark-Brown
Maori Garden Bay

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

THE Fishing Competition

On Labour Weekend along with the Arts and Crafts there will be a revival of the Rakino Fishing Competition!

Catch your fish on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Labour Weekend
You must catch your fish within 200m of Rakino Island for them to qualify

Only Rakino Ratepayers Association Members can weigh in for the prize
No Pay, No Weigh
You can pay your $20 at the weigh in

The weighmaster is Lez, he will weigh the fish at 6pm Saturday and Sunday at his or Mike Orton's place. The final weigh in is at 2:30pm on Monday at the wharf, where a sausage sizzle will accompany the presentation of the prize!

Good Luck

Saturday, June 17, 2006

RRPA Membership

Start saving up your $20 to renew your annual subscription to the RRPA.
A new year starts on the 1st of July 2006

Soon we might even be organised enough to put out a membership form!!

Try this for size

Rakino Ratepayers Association

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Save The Cats!!

Harriet Somerville is vehemently against John Mackenzie's petition for a cat ban. Here is a pdf of her case to save the cats.

Please consider both sides of the argument and sign the petition for or against it.

The views presented by either party do not necessarily represent the views of the RRPA committee.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Junior Fishing Contest

The inaugural Junior Fishing Contest went off with a hiss and roar thanks to Lez and all those that helped and participated!!


There is an Ordinary General Meeting of the Rakino Ratepayer's Association for everyone.

It will be held at 10 Prescott Street, Penrose at 7pm on Wednesday 26th July.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Once again, THE CATS! Robyn & Ian Cameron

We understand some (but not all) ratepayers/property owners on Rakino Island have been asked to sign a petition to ban domestic cats on Rakino Island so that endangered species of birds can be translocated there.

When we bought our property on Rakino Island many years ago, we took out a mortgage to do so. To us it was an ideal opportunity to own an idyllic spot where our family, including dogs, could relax and enjoy life at weekends and holidays.

The pleasure of sharing Rakino Island with our remaining dog is still a highlight of our time on the island. That pleasure would disappear the moment Kiwis or other ground birds were introduced. The widely held perception is that dogs and Kiwis do not go well together. In that case, Kiwis must lose on Rakino Island, though we will support their fight for life in areas where private individuals do not own the land that groundbirds are being rehabilitated to. This small PRIVATELY OWNED island, dearly bought and dearly loved is a sanctuary for family life and values, not endangered species. Nearby largely uninhabited islands, Rangitoto, Motutapu and Motuhue, are surely better options.

We bought not into a bird sanctuary or a wildlife reserve, but into a special spot where there was freedom from unnecessary restrictions on our activities. Birds, including bell birds, are doing quite well, thank you, without restricting the freedoms we enjoy.

We always welcomed the joy of being able to walk our dogs off leads and they loved the absence of concrete, tarmac and unwelcome restrictions, even though they were properly restrained by training. We want this to continue.

If this well meaning but short sighted idealism takes hold on Rakino Island, all the pleasure that we happily enjoy and highly value could disappear in a sea of bureaucracy. It could destroy much that we have on this island haven. In our view. it could also destroy the financial value of the properties of those who might, one day, wish/need to sell in order to finance retirement in their later years. Restrictions that accompany bird and wild life sanctuaries are unlikely to enhance property values.

In any event, we wonder why it is considered necessary to ban domestic cats when simple methods to limit their abilities to hunt exist? Try a bell on a collar, or keeping cats indoors at night, as suggested by DoC.

This island is private property and it should not be ceded to nature at the whim of a few well-meaning individuals. Idealism has its place, but on Rakino Island, a privately owned island, it would signal the demise of the rights and pleasures that we bought into. It won’t stop with cats.

Robyn & Ian Cameron