Another blog...

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has set up their own official blog in an effort to control the dissemination of information, here.

You may notice some similarities to this site :). I hope that this is a step towards them becoming more transparent and informing the public of their works and that they report the unvarnished truth. I see no point in attempting to rival them.
- Michael

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Dear Rakino People

Many of you know Esther Hall.  Esther has been associated with Rakino for some 45 years. Over this time Esther meet many of you and made new friendships that endure today.  We wanted to let you know that Esther died peacefully on Friday morning 23 November 2007.

Kind regards

Esther's family

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Re Moorings not in Sandy Bay

I have spoken to Mikah Butt at ARC phone 366 2000 ext 8215
She is in charge of Coastal permits for moorings
They intend sending out a letter in next few weeks to all those on their register that have moorings outside of Sandy Bay
They will offer options:

  1. go through a consenting process to make mooring legal.
  2. arrange removal of the mooring I assume at your cost.

The current cost for a notified consent for a mooring is $7,500. They have indicated due to this high cost that they will work with all those interested to put through a combined consent and share the costs. This is a good opportunity to have them facilitate the process at lesser cost particularly when we have the argument of a less assured ferry service.
Everone should contact ASAP, Mikah to make sure they are on register

Regards Craig

Please note, this letter is from a Rakino person, not the Rakino Ratepayers Association.
It has been pointed out that costs incurred may be much more than the $7,500 suggested above as this is a complex process. You may also still have to battle it out with the Boating Associations which will fight tooth and nail.