Another blog...

The Rakino Ratepayers Association has set up their own official blog in an effort to control the dissemination of information, here.

You may notice some similarities to this site :). I hope that this is a step towards them becoming more transparent and informing the public of their works and that they report the unvarnished truth. I see no point in attempting to rival them.
- Michael

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Years Eve Races

"This is the 25th annual
round-the-island run,
for adults and children.

There are trophies for:
the first girl home,
the first boy home,
the first woman home,
the first man home and
the first veteran home.

Every entrant in time to
register receives a
certificate that records
their achievement.

Just turn up at Sandy Bay
in time to enrol before
the 9.30 am start on 31
December and be prepared
to run to Woody Bay and
back (estimated time
15 - 40 minutes).

Race is followed by games
for parents and children
including legendary

Courtesy of the Rakino News
PO Box 5297
Wellesley Street

New Years Eve Disco

There will be a BBQ at the hall from approx 7 pm on new years eve.
Come along with everything (family, food and drink) and enjoy your evening.
We would like all cars to park back from the wharf, even better walk!
Merry Christmas everyone.
